Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Genitial peircing!

Genitial peircing may be a risk for HIV transmission during oral sex. Safe-sex guidelines generally do not advocate using a condom during orl sex unless mouth or penile lesions are present. But it is nor believed that an inflamed genital piercing constitutes a lesion, which could be a potential entry point for HIV!

Sex Limits sexual dysfunction

If you have a healthy and good sexual relationship, you are less likely to experience a dramatic loss in sexual functions after menopause. Loss in sexual functions is linked to declining levels of the hormone estrogen, but this may not be 100% true. Waning passion could also be caused by a change in feelings towards a partner, says a study published in Fertility and Sterility.

Drink Cofee Cancer Free

Coffee drinkers are 41% less likely to be diagonsed with liver cancer thn people who don't drink cofee. But don't bet your next kopi -peng kau on it yet. A report published in the August edition of Hepatology concluded that cofee perks up liver enzymes and this may lower the risk of liver cirrhosis and cancer. be cautious: Coffee does not help those already with liver problems.

Found Remedy!

Recently I received a respond to my last post. A friend contacted me a surprising enough he has remedy to solve the little guys problem. All he needs is to try out this chinese medicine that will boost up the little guy in no time. My friend has offered to give any interested parties 3 attempts..if failed there's nothing to lose, if are the gainers! Anyone interested give my friend a call 017-3159636 for further information. Good luck.

Baru jab ni Wira terima respond dari post semalam. Rakan Wira hubungi Wira dan maklumkan ada ramuan yang dapat membantu 'adik' kawan kita tu. Dia buma perlu cuba try ramuan dari cina untuk rangsang 'adik' yang layu dalam sekejap masa je. Rakan Wira tawarkan kepada yang berminat untuk mencuba 3 hari saja, kalau gagal tak ada apa yang rugi, kalau berjaya anda yang untung. Kepada yang berhajat hubungi rakan Wira di 017-3159636. Selamat mencuba!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Change Wind (Tukar angin!)

As from today Wira will not talk about politics....too dirty. I feel alot more comfortable if I can give some tips to my fellow guys (and in return get some tips from you guys out there) on how we can improve our health to serve our spouse(s) better.
There was a guy who one day was in the gents room...answering natrue's call of course. Suddenly he saw his companion (little guy) laying low and flat no energy or power to stand up (cockstandstraight). So he began to grumble to himself....poor guy, we were born at the same time, live a happy life together, enjoying the pleasure of marriage...and so on and so on....but now how come you are dying first. Look at you...placid like a dead squid.
As we get older our health deterioates, fast. How can we help this guy to save his little guy? Watch out for my next post.

Malay version
Wira nak berhenti cakap pasal politik, politik kotor. Lebih baik beri tumpuan kepada memberi panduan kepada rakan-rakan (sejantina) untuk menambahbaik kesihatan kita agar dapat memberi khidmat yang terbaik kepada rakan ranjang(isteri/2) kita.
Ada la sorang tu kan, sedang qado hajat dalam tandas. Terpandanglah akan dia kepada 'adik' dia yang kini terkulai layu tidak bermaya. Maka berleterlah kawan ni ....alahai....kita ni dilahirkan bersama, menjalani kehidupan yang penuh cabaran bersama, menikmati keseronokan bersama isteri bersama...dan sebagainya...tapi kini...cuba lihat diri kamu...layu lesu macam sotong kecut.
Sesungguhnya semakin kita meningkat tua, kesihatan kita pun turut terjejas. Macam mana kita nak bantu kawan kita selamatkan 'adik' dia? Nantikan post Wira yang seterusnya.